Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"I am a pretty princess and my shit don't stink!"
"I am a pretty princess who likes men!"
"I am a whore who likes to fuck my husband's friends!"
"I am a whore who likes to fuck my husband's friends!"
"I don't want to play this game anymore."
"I don't want to play this game anymore because my dick is small!"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This box is the funnest thing ever!
Just get my fucking lawyer.

Monday, June 22, 2009

What's that sound? Oh shit, Bucketfootman is on our roof! Shake him! Shake him! I can't fucking shake him!

The fucking assholes are mocking us!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Oh fuck, I forgot to feed the fish.
Uh oh!  Where is my right hand going?
God really cares about money?
Take that you fucking fish.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

To make a long story short, I fucked a donkey.
Has this role playing got your pecker up yet?
You'll do anything for water?

This is a dream I had last night.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Do you want to buy anything?  I sell pre-cooked eggs, look upper left.  Below, where you are staring, intently, is a picture of dancing girls.  The one girl on the very far left is waving to the camera.  That's what differentiates this picture of dancing girls from the rest if you ask me.  I also sell hacksaws, look upper right.
This is how we roll.  White collar crime, come get me, no you can't because I am the man.  You work for me.  I can do what I want.  I'm the white collar criminal.  And I am white.  You can't touch my lifestyle.  You complain about your job while I rob.  I don't do shit all day motherfucker.  I am the white collar criminal bitch.
Look he's wearing a dress!
Seven men were murdered in here. Got a problem? Mikey here doesn't. He's drinking his beer just fine.
Honey, I can't talk right now, four cats are standing on top of each other!
Hey, that's not my design!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

We get to eat the fruit too?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I perfectly understand.  I hate doctors too.  They are always like, "Where's my fucking money?  Its been two weeks and you still haven't paid.  I am going to have to teach you a lesson."  Assholes.

"What? No Heineken? Alright, I'll take a Bud instead.  This is fucking bullshit."
We spent a million dollars upgrading your feet.  You are going to be one badass motherfucker.

This is what I used to do before the apocalypse!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Betsy Joe don't walk out on me.  Its just sex.  Not love.

You are the only one who showed at this meeting.  To be honest, there are no money opportunities here, its just one big scam, but I bet you knew that.  You are lonely.  Good news, I am lonely too.  I know of a way to remedy that, if you are willing to trust me.  When I look into your heart I see a soul that is trapped inside of an hour glass.  Delicately pounding on the walls.  "Let me out before the hour is up! Or else I drown in sand."  There is only one person here who can get you out.  There is only one person here.  And I will always be here.  Keep looking at that menu.  I bet I can guess what you are going to order.  Personally, I am having the meatloaf but I can't recommend that for you. Why? Because you don't eat meat.  I can tell by your slender build and fair complexion.  Your lack of muscle tone from the lack of muscle-building proteins.  You are soft and flexible.  Perhaps?  Maybe you could prove this to me someday.  Yes.  Someday soon.  Maybe tonight.  Maybe you don't roll like that.  Or at least that what you tell the other fellas.  The ones who think you have a long term relationship with a long distance boyfriend.  I am not one of those.  I know that the boyfriend is a phantom.  If you are open, tonight just might be the night where everything in your life, my life too, changes for the better.  I feel it!  I feel the magic in the air.  Don't you feel it?  You really are undecided about what to order because you keep looking at that blasted menu!  I bet you are not looking at any of the selections.   I bet you are scheming of a way to not look desperate.  Scheming of a way to politely exit.  I've been too upfront.  I've played my card too soon.   You will first excuse yourself to the ladies room to "freshing" up.  As soon as your are out of my vision you will walk, then run, to your car.  Frantically jangling your keys into the ignition.  The car will put up a fight.  It will take a few tries while you say, "come on baby, start for mommy."  You will pause in a moment of epiphany while catching a glimpse of your flustered visage in the mirror.  You will tell yourself, "Barbara, you can't keep running like this".  I use Barbara as an example, of course that is not your name.  Yet none of these events will happen because you are still here.  You went with option c.  Which is to stay put.   Maybe my words are getting to you.  You sit in silence, listening, thinking, scheming, quietly judging.  Not me.  No sir.  I don't judge.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Gimme a loan, I am a lobster.
You'd think they'd get used to it after awhile.  You know.  The whole burning forever thing.  But I guess not.  So are you going to buy the house?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Can't we all just get back on meth?
We don't need no digging out from a fat loser.
That ain't outer-space.  I just like balls. I really like the one that looks like an egg with a hot dog in it.  

There is a reason that I have assembled you all here today.  I hear you all are the best.  Now, your country needs you.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

"To make a long story short, a girl I used to date in the office called me a pencil dick in front of everyone. So I created this whole crazy big pencil thing as an attempt to turn the hurtful comments into a joke. The whole thing is just a fucking joke gone too far. My dick is really thin but did she have to tell everyone?"
You and your damn Parkinson's!"

Sunday, June 15, 2008

"Do I have an open parachute behind me or is that a mighty mighty fart from my two anuses?"
"This is our Phantom Zone, full of super powered beings as you can see."

Monday, May 26, 2008

Objection your honor!  The line of questioning is absurd.  Like the Killer whale next to me.  Can you see him or is it just me?  No?  I guess I am the only one."
You left the gender spot unchecked on your application.

Monday, April 28, 2008

"You can't fix this shit doc.  You can't fix this shit."
"Had to use the carpool lane. The semen dripping on her is... it's a long story, I'll describe it on the way."
"Who would have thought that television's depiction of the after life was spot on. I guess almost spot on.  Eternity is a long time brother."

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Oh Shit!"

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Wow, lsd is fun!
This is where I put all your urine samples.  Then....I drink it.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This is really going to spice up this foursome. My dick is already hard.

I am having a colonoscopy. Get it? I ate a doctor. Ah nevermind you dumb bitch.

Keep doing what you are doing, because see the look on my face?